
Mirror wisdom and other kinds

Let's pay attention to the internal process that leads to the adoptation of the green meme or the discarding of the myth of one and only truth. We'll do it through a well-known symbol: the mirror.

To begin with, one could say: "the mirror is vacant". True, the mirror is vacant, it includes nothing of its own, yet it is always full, because it cannot not reflect the parts of the world that our point of view defines. No matter what my point of view is, I will always see things of the world inside the mirror. And if I stand straight in front of it, I will see myself.

Even though the mirror is vacant, I cannot ascertain its vacancy with my senses. I cannot put my hand inside it as I could do with an empty box. If I try, my hand will stumble on its surface. To my senses (to my touch and vision), the mirror is full. Since its vacancy cannot be perceived with my senses, it is metaphysical.

This vacancy, which seems infinite, does not determine or restrict. It shows things of the outside world, but it does not make comparisons. It doesn't compare these things with one another or with itself. It has no agenda, it does not reject. It accepts everything, just as it is. This sums up what the mirror wisdom is about.

And from the mirror wisdom flows another: the wisdom of equality. It is gained the moment we let things enter us without preference or rejection. It is the moment we understand that they are of equal value. Water, steel, air, minerals, human beings, irrespective of their individual characteristics, all are equally useful and co-operate equally significantly for the evolution of the cosmos. Everything is of vital importance to the universe. If one bit is missed, the world cannot function properly.

When we adopt such a stance, at first we get confused. The world appears flat. It is exactly the point at which the third wisdom emerges: the wisdom of distinction. The privilege of distinguishing correctly comes only after I have acquired the mirror wisdom and I can allow everything enter me just as it is. I gain the privilege to distinguish correctly, only after I have earned the wisdom of equality and understood that everything is essential to the world. Because only then am I free from making judgments. Only then can I distinguish without discriminating, without killing or getting killed in the process.

Which leads us to…


abdulaziz norat said...

This article is so philosophical and intelligently drafted essay! Really it reflects the reflection of higher thoughts on important three factors, which are the theme of this article!

Christina Linardaki said...

Thank you very much for visiting and commenting dear Aziz. Your appreciation is valuable.